Gratitude Glasses

Gratitude Glasses
I'm looking at the world through my gratitude glasses to see the good in life!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Three Gifts Heard

In Ann Voskamp's book, "One Thousand Gifts," she challenges the reader to find blessings in everyday events. There is so much more to this, and I recommend the book to anyone who truly wants to embrace a life of gratitude. Ann's suggestion for the first day of January is to recognize "3 gifts heard." I am listing my "three gifts" below, along with something I saw today that made my heart smile. (I wish I could post photos to illustrate each point, but I'm having camera difficulties. I hope to be able to add photos later.)

My Three Gifts Heard

1. Leaves rustling on the trees... small, brown sentries that refused to leave their posts despite the harsh winter winds that made victims of most of their comrades... and I am reminded to hold onto my Saviour no matter how hard the winds of life blow.

2.  A canine's "song"... Harley is a dog who appeared out of nowhere one day and walked straight into my heart. His love is unconditional, and the excitement he feels when he sees me is illustrated through his happy sounds (song!) and body language. Again, I am reminded of my relationship with the Lord, and how I need to be "making a joyful noise unto Him" every day. Am I as excited about spending time with God as Harley is about spending time with me?

3.  My husband's voice... as the new year arrived, and he wished me "happiness," I realized what a comfort his voice, his presence, is to me. I pray I will never take my husband for granted and that God will help me be the wife described in Proverbs 31.

Lastly, and as I stated at the beginning, I must share something I saw that truly did make my heart smile today. As I watched the birds at the feeders this afternoon, I noticed one feathered friend on the snow-covered windshield of our van, which was parked close to the feeders. As he scratched through the snow on the glass, he moved up and down as though he were dancing. His actions were entertaining, and his dance left little bird tracks all over the window. The combination of his movements and the trail he left behind was evidence to me of a God who loves me enough to provide reminders through the things He knows are dear to my heart.

I pray that 2014 is full of God's love and an abundance of things that make your heart smile.

In gratitude...

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